Monday, December 16, 2013

Week 4 is off to a good start

Breaking Records in Week 2

Training has been going pretty good, to a point. I started to add in yoga after the first week and that has really helped me with my ankle strength, which then leads to better running. This was proven in my week 2 of running. Since Dave heard that my weekend 1 mile repeats were in a 10:10 he decide that just meant I had to push it harder during my track workout of 1 mile repeats. I warmed up on my run from the store and a 1/2 loop on the track. Then I did my 1 mile repeats with about a 30+ sec rest. My first mile was a 9:48... wow. For the second one, Dave had me to it with the group, and I managed to do a 9:37. Double WOW. Now everyone was starting to cool down and I still had one more to do. So he had the boys, Lou and Ed, run with me. They were to keep me at a 9:30 pace and make sure I was working hard. Well I did warn them, I had a Cesar salad for lunch, so if they push me too hard, it would not be a pretty sight. After Dave sent everyone back to the store, he joined us and started to say I was talking to much and shouldn't be talking if I was really working it. Well so I started to push it, really hard, and on the final turn it happened. I felt that wonderful salad and had to stop for a quick spit up. Dave felt bad, made a comment about me pulling back, but then I just picked up my pace again and finished strong, a 9:27...HOLY CRAP I broke a 9:30. I didn't event think that was possible.

Cramping to the max in Week 3

Well after that run, I started to not feel too well. My foot was hurting, the heal in part. Then I started to cramp more and more in my feet and at times in my calves. I'd have good days, and then bad days. During week 3 I finally got back into the pool, after a 30 minute run on the treadmill and I got the worst cramp ever. My leg went into full rigor and I couldn't move. I was hurting I was crying and I couldn't get to the wall to try to stretch it out. Eventually I managed to get it to lessen and then I got out of the pool. It really hurt and for about 2-3 days my calf was tender like hell. I had posted on FB about it and was advised it was probably due to dehydration. I then started to add coconut water into my regimen and it seems to be helping. Week 3 didn't finish as it should, I only got in a 1/2 mile of swimming and missed 1.5+ miles in my Saturday long run,due to snow and not having clear roads.

Back on Track in Week 4

And now here I am at the start of week 4... I went to my spin class which was a challenging climbing and rolling hill ride. I wanted to get in 60 minutes, so I stayed a bit after class to get in my time. I felt great. Then it was a quick change of shoes, cleaning off of my bike, and searching for a treadmill. I wanted to get in the miles I missed on Saturday. Really not knowing what to expect, as this would be my first brick in a long time. So I got on the treadmill, starting at a 11:45 pace, and set to run 2.5 miles on the rolling hill program. As I got comfortable I would start to increase the speed, slowly and steadily, regardless of the hill. I ended up finishing at a 10:37 pace and feeling like I could go longer. I stopped instead of pushing it. I was amazed that in no time, did my legs feel like logs or did I feel like I couldn't go on, let alone no pain at all. Even as I sit here, I feel great and feel no aches or pains or cramping.

It's been pretty weird not training much with anyone, I miss my team but with the holiday's, schedules, and other issues, it makes it hard to work out. I just need to remember that I have to train for me right now, and hopefully after the holiday's we can try to get back on track and training again. I need to keep up with my workouts and make sure not to push it and avoid injury.  I'm only at week 4 and I have to get to 36 and get there without any major set back. I just need to get back into the pool one of these day :)

Monday, December 2, 2013

The journey has just begun... 1 down... 35 to go

Well the first week of IM training wasn't too bad. And likewise it shouldn't have been as it was a "preparation" week. Most of the workouts were simple and getting some baselines together. I did pretty well with keeping to the plan, made some slight adjustments to the schedule to suit my needs but in the end it came together. The only part I slacked on was the swimming.  I really don't feel like I need to be overly concerned with that right now. Plus I added in 3 days of yoga to compensate. Let me tell you that yoga really beat the crap out of me but I really enjoyed it.
My first 2 runs were on the treadmill cuz I couldn't bear to run outside. But my first outdoor run, was 3 1 mile repeats I totally kicked butt on them (11:10 10:10 10:10). I've never done that well I was so happy.
Bike had been spin class or on the trainer. This week I'll be setting up for and see how that works for me.
So my week I review was:
11 workouts
32.09 miles
3264 calories
Now off to week 2

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Rest... Rest... Rest...

After it's all said and done, rest was the best thing for me.  After all the training and racing I put my body thru I took about 3 weeks off from training to relax and recoup and heal up. I thought it would be hard, but I actually found enjoyment in doing nothing unless I wanted to. I didn't run for 3 weeks, as I had a ligament strain in my foot. I then found out that the pain in my neck was due to my fall at ACC, which caused a trapezious muscle strain, and had to get a cortisone shot at the base of my skull. I only swam on Tuesday after MCM and biking, well I started taking spin class with Rich on Monday nights. I took a few yoga classes and loved it, realizing I really need to work on my stretching. I did what I wanted when I wanted. And when I did that first run with the group, this past Wednesday, it felt great. I kept a 11:20 pace for 3.5 miles. I just thought of my accomplishments this past year. All the obstacles I overcame. The fun time and the pains. And then realized that the fun will soon end as Boulder IM training will be starting soon.

And the fun now ends... Tomorrow I start my 36 week program towards Boulder IM.  I feel confident that I can do this race, as long as I improve on my bike.

Can I do it, I sure hope so.
Am I scared, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't
Will I do it, oh hell yes, or die trying.


Monday, October 14, 2013

A Wall I Had to Get Over

How the hell do you get over a hill you were never meant to climb?

What do you do when you have obstacle after obstacle thrown at you and you get beaten down to the ground?

What do you do when you just don't think you can go any further, but you know you have to?

This is all that went thru my mind during the Marine Corp Marathon. This was my A race. This is what I was training for. I thought I had this. I thought I would definitely PR. But my body had another agenda. A week before the race I got severely ill, this was my second bout with some illness that knocked the shit out of me. The previous was 4 days before my fall half, Naperville Trails Half Marathon. I ended up in the ER due to dehydration and had tests run, all of them saying nothing. Although Coach advised me not to race it, I said I would just run it to finish and screw any time.  HAHA right... I managed to run the whole race without stopping or walk breaks, and I got a new PR... Where did that come from I have no clue. I think it was the excitement around me or it was that it was raining so much I just wanted to finish so I could get home in a nice warm bed.

This next time around it was just about as worse. I was puking my guts out for over 36hrs straight, causing me to lose over 6lbs. My runs up to this point were in pain as my leg/hip was killing me so I had to pull back on my long. I never reached my 20 miles, only hit 15, then my 15 turned out to be 12. My furthest run was 18 miles. I didn't think this was a factor as I had run a marathon before and knew what to expect. It may not have been a big issue, but I think in the end it did play a factor in hitting the wall.

As part of the MCM, they had a fun run on Saturday morning, which I of coarse signed up for. It was fun and easy, and I got to run along side to Bart Yasso. I didn't realize who he really was until they did the speeches at the brunch. He had some amazing stories to share with us and let us know that it's ok to go slow if we have to and that finishing is the most important part. That we should stick to our plan and not sway under the spotlight of the race.

As far as MCM, I decided to run with the 5:30 pace group. I thought, this would be best for me as I would PR if I finished, not with the 5:15 I was hoping for, but a PR still. Also it would help to keep me on track with my pace so I don't start too quickly and die out in the end.  Well my plan worked for me, I kept up with the group and had fun at it too.  It wasn't until mile 18 that I felt some pains in my hip/ankle. I pulled back a bit, changed my stride and that helped. Mile 20 came and went and I was doing great, a few pains, some pulls in my calfes but still moving along. Not sure what happened next, someone stepped on the back of my shoe I had to stop and I think that threw me off. By mile 22 I was starting to really feel it. I was losing it, trying to talk myself into finishing thinking I couldn't do it anymore. By mile 23 I was starting to cry. I texted the girls and Rich in hopes for words of encouragement. I had now started walking, and crying. I was pushing thru the pain, not sure I could finish. At mile 25 I thought, "suck it up and run" so i tried, and that lasted about 5 steps before I almost fell over in pain. I went back to walking. A soldier saw me and he yelled at me to pick my head up and push forward. To run for my soldier as he's not here to run himself. That did it for me. I went into a quick walk. Then I saw the 26 mile marker. I knew I had to run in the finish. I couldn't walk it. I had to do this. So I ran, I ran thru the pain, I cried and I ran, with every step knowing that this was for Capt Brandon Cyr. He was my angel that pushed me up that hill and down the stretch to the finish.  And I did it. My time didn't matter, all that mattered was that I finished.  When I saw the Marines with our medals at the end of the corral, I walked up, crying but smiling. He put my medal around my neck, saluted me and then hugged me... I broke down and he said I did an awesome job, and you know what.. I DID.

As our shirst say... Always Earned Never Given... This is true, I earned my medal!!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

My first Century... DONE

It has been a while since my last post, but not much has been going on.  My training has tapered down and I was focusing on my biking in order to knock an item off my bucket list.  Coach wanted me to complete a century this year in hopes that it will work to my advantage for Boulder IM.  Well I DID IT, and then some.

In August, Stephanie I and I went up north to Fond du Lac, WI for Gather Race the Lake. It was definitely a challenge of a ride, as we were not allowed to drop into our areo bars.  The first half was great, nice flat and fast. With the exception of Oshkosh that the roads were a mess, we kept on track for that half. The second half was OMG a challenge. Talk about rolling hills. At the half way point, we refueled and tried to decide how to tackle it. We first had to tackle "king of the hill"... I didn't know what I was gonna do. Will I walk it, will i fall over will i make it.. no one knew until I started. Then of coarse at the top of the hill is the photographer so I had no choice but to push thru it and get it done or else there would be proof of me walking it. But in the end I did it and I was soo happy. Stephanie encouraged me the whole way and that helped me a bunch.  But with the rolling hills that came up I saw my pace starting to slow down, but we finished it and we were both happy. That was the furthest I'd riden to date.

Next on the agenda was a full Century. This one was for Rich and I to do together. I knew after Gather that this shouldn't be too difficult, especially since there isn't any rule about using your aerobars. I had that advantage. I also had my cassette updated on my bike in hopes to help me tackle those rolling hills. Although it felt like it helped, I still need to learn how to change my gears and really tackle those hills. This was such a great ride and it was awesome to be able experience it with Rich. I was so proud of him to get thru the ride on his mountain bike, which I'm sure was a challenge in itself.  

The ride itself was pretty uneventful, at least until mile 48. I was ahead of Rich but didn't think by much, and so as I was waiting for him and for traffic to clear, I managed to fall. Yup first fall on my bike, I leaded toward the right, where my foot was still clipped in and BOMB I went down. The riders there were so great helping me up and making sure I was ok. Then when traffic cleared we crossed and headed off.  Eventually Rich and I were together again, it seems that at that same intersection, Rich had a flat. So once he fixed that and I got an extra rest waiting at another intersection, we were on our way to the finish.  

We decided that this will be our yearly tradition and that we will keep tackling the 100 and hills as our thing :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

So quite lately

Since Racine, it seems like things are finally starting to quite down for me.  Not training as intense, even thou I have 3 more important events. 

Aug 18 - Race the Lake 90 mileer
Sept 29 - Apple Cider Century
Oct 27 - Marine Corp Marathon

The biking I'm not too concerned over, I know I can do the distance and my feel is just wanting to finish, so as long as I can keep a good steady pace I should be good.  Stephanie I is going with me to Race the Lake and I know I'll be able to pace well with her. She's a bit faster but I'm ok with that.  Rich is doing Apple Cider Century with me, along with Joe/Kathy, but I already know Joe/Kathy won't be riding the whole route, so I'm hoping Rich can keep me motivate.  That will be my longest ride EVER.

Marine Corp is now the big task.  With the fact that my running went to crap after my fall and during the last weeks of my training, I know I need to work on getting my pace back up there. Dave has me working on drills and pacing. Increasing my distance and hoping I snap back into it.  So far so good. I'm able to run more and have pretty much dumped my walk intervals.  For anything less than 6 miles, I'm doing 1 mile intervals at whatever pace Dave tells me (11-1130 or 1130-1145) with a 4 min easy run. I'm able to monitor and judge my pace and it seems to be working for me.  I think I need to setup alerts on my Garmin thou, so that I don't go too slow on my 4 min intervals. But in yesterday's run I was able to maintain an 1126 for 5.38 miles.  My goal for Marine Corp is to PR, just to be faster than a 5:31, but hoping to do a 5:15. It's flat coarse so I think I can do it, Baltimore was so hilly I walked more cuz of those hills than because I hit a wall or anything.

Monday, July 29, 2013

WOW... Did I really do that???

I think I'm still in shock that I actually got thru Racine 70.3.

I know I didn't post earlier, and it has been a week since I competed, but I still can't believe that it's done. I can't believe that I finished under my time as well. I thought for sure I would take the whole 8 hrs that I alloted myself, but the fact that I finished in a 7:19:39, I still can't believe it.  Had I not been so concerned with my ankle, which in the end held out but my knee was another story, I probably could've broke a 7:00.  Regardless, for a first 70.3, I am REALLY REALLY HAPPY!!!

Race weekend was tough, and I know I had some obstacles to overcome, but in the end it all came together. 

Friday night was the start of release weekend at work, so here I was having to work late. Thursday before I "worked" form home and tried to get my gear organized, plus the stress of trying to find a bike hitch that would work with my Jeep, it was just too much for me to deal with.  I was lucky that Rich, from the Bike Shop, was able to get me one, and thankfully Stephanie I switched cars with me so that it could get installed on Friday.  With her having my Jeep, they were able to load it up so that Saturday morning was just dropping off dogs, switching cars, getting my bike on the rack and then picking up Stephanie B.  It all worked out in the end, but stress I really really did not need.  Release went easy, granted we had some bumps in the beginning, Steve got online (even thou he wasn't scheduled) and covered for me so I could go to bed, until off-shore got online. He was like "you worked so hard for this, I don't want this release to mess it up for you".  We are finally in sync here in the office and everything eventually works out, so this was really nice.

Saturday went seemless, I did manage to get about 6 hrs sleep. Kids were off to boarding and now it was time to head up with the Stephanies :)  We found our hotel and were able to check in. Then it was off to expo and racking our bikes.  Expo was really dangerous. I kind of went overboard, but I figured, what if I become a one and done with IM's that I never go back. So I got my stuff now :)  We attended the pre-race talk and got the lowdown on stuff, then racked our bikes and went to the beach to just soak our toes.  Stephanie I, Wendy, Frank and myself decided to skip on the Italian team dinner and went to dinner on our own. After dinner we took a soak in the tub and were in bed by 630.  Around 9pm it hit me, that damn little brownie we had for dessert was killing me, TOO MUCH CHOCOLATE. My heart was pounding and I couldn't sleep.

Race morning was here...

OMG I'm so nervous. I couldn't eat anything. I managed to stomach a Stinger Waffle but nothing more.  I setup transition, walked around and was like... WHAT AM I DOING HERE??? A look at the beach and I was even more terrified. The wave were strong and hitting the shore. We were assured that the water was calm after the first turn when we hit the sand bar... Um yeah I don't think so. But we sucked it up and headed to the swim start.  Wendy was the first of the group to go, then me, then after a little time the rest of the group went, one wave after the other. I was glad to be in the water first but sucked I couldn't see everyone else or give hugs before I leap into the wavy water.  The swim was tough... REALLY TOUGH. The wave were really a chore to cut thru that I had to stop on the platform before the first turn so that I can catch my breath.  After the first turn I was just trying to find my pace. It was hard because so many were struggling and I didn't want to swim over people.  After trying to get some distance between me and my wave, I ran into Wendy. I could tell she was struggling, I tried to give her some words of encouragement but I had to keep going.  I felt so bad leaving her behind but I didn't know what else I could do. Luckily there were plenty of bouy's along the course, I was hoping she was using those to stop and get her bearings before moving on.

Once I got out of the swim, and thank you to the man who helped me get my wetsuit off, it was now to the bike. I screwed up with my Garmin, and wasn't sure what my real start time was. At least I was able to keep track of my pace and I was kicking butt. I was topping 17mph, and I was feeling good. Then I realized I wasn't even 20 miles in and I should slow down so I'm not dead by the end.  Overall, I kept a 16.2 mph pace so that was right on with my training. 

Then came the run... oh the run, how I hate you so. My legs felt shot from the ride, well more my quads. I transitioned and was on my way. I saw Lou on my run out as he was racking his bike, then I had Jorge pass me on the run followed later by Lou. While on the course I was then passed by Jose, I saw Dave, Dan, Stephanie B, Stephanie I and Wendy. I was so happy to see Wendy, because I knew then that she didn't give up during the swim.  We would cheer each other on as we passed by, giving high-fives and complaining but pushing thru it.  My calves here tight, my ankle was good, but my knee was not happy. I had to walk much more than I wanted to, but I knew I had a lead on my time since my bike was faster than the 15mph I was predicting. I knew that if I kept it up, I would do it and it wasn't too bad (at least this is what I kept telling myself). By mile 3, my knee was just done. But I wouldn't give up. I came too far to give up now.  Judy was there with the other girls cheering us on, and she ran with me a little, helping get past my mental block. I pushed and pushed and I finally saw the finish... PYSCH!!! I still had to turn and go back out for another loop. Such not a fun thing, so close but yet so far away. On the way back, about mile 12 I see Carla again, cheering me on. I said my legs were hurting and now she ran a bit with me to help me get past it.  Only 1+ mile left to go, I had this and I just had to push thru it. Save a little energy to finish strong and get a good finish picture :)  And that is just what I did... I got thru this and finished way strong.

In the end all my hard work payed off.  12 weeks of hard training, early mornings, aches and pain, and hours and hours of training.

156.30 miles logged running (32:05:58)
827.45 miles logged biking (57:21:05)
30.95 miles logged swimming (17:53:18)

This is on top of the several races and events that were slipped in before I realized my training would dominate my life.  I'm still surprised that I was able to do all of this and survive a release and still be under my 8hrs.

What a way to finish my Tri Season... Now off to start Marathon Season.

Friday, July 19, 2013

It's almost time

I'm feeling really on edge lately.  Could it be cuz of my race, or cuz of deployment this weekend... Whichever it is, it is really impacting my sleep.  Last night I just couldn't relax. I was tossing and turning all night. Then I had Payton tossing and turning and pushing me. I just couldn't sleep. And then of coarse she's up at 6am and wanting to snuggle and kiss... so much for sleeping in :(

At least I finally got my bike rack.  Thanks to Stephanie I, who switched cars with me, went out to the Bike Shop and got in installed. Then both Stephanie's were going to load up the Jeep with there stuff so that tomorrow all I have to do is drop off the pups at boarding and then switch back cars and get my bike loaded and we can hit the road.  I've packed, unpacked, checked my list, and packed again and finally have all my gear set.  It's already in the jeep so all I have left is to make sure I have PJ's and clothes packed and my nutrition, and then I'm really done.

Tomorrow morning is going to be an early morning. We want to be up in Racine by the 11:30 for the Athlete Race Briefing.  Stephanie I, Wendy and I decided to opt out on the group dinner and we're probably going to do an earlier dinner at AppleBees.  Although most like to carb up before a race, Italian food just doesn't settle well with me, plus my ulcer has been going crazy that I don't want to aggravate it more than it already is.  It's not that we're not being team players, it's more that we want to be careful with out stomachs and really really don't want to throw up at the finish line.  I'm nervous enough as it is, I don't need to be worried about my stomach.

I'm thinking I'm ready for this... My bike pace has gotten so much better, somehow in the last 2 ride i was keeping an 16-17mph pace. My run hasn't improved much but at least I know I need to keep a 13 min pace. My swim, well my swim is my swim, hasn't improved much but I'm happy with it.

Now I'm just hoping I survive this release and get home in time to get at least 6 hrs sleeps and then be up and ready to go.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Let the countdown begin!!!

We are down to the last week of workouts.

Last week to perfect our nutrition.

Last week to try to figure out...


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Time to Taper

These past 11 weeks have been such a challenge.  From training to races to life itself, it really tested me and made me see where I had to adjust my lifestyle to ensure I didn't fall back on my training.

These past 11 weeks brought me closer to my training team. Knowing we were all on the same path and that we were all going for the same goal made it easier to train together and lean on one another.

These past 11 weeks have been a challenge for Rich and I. We had our ups and downs but I tried my hardest to make sure that my training didn't interfere in our time together. I adjusted my training to make sure I got what had to be done, but there were tough times when I had to be up early to train and he was sleeping. I tried hard to keep it quite, but some times, puppies don't care and just make noise. For that I'm really sorry and wish I could keep the monster quite so he can sleep in.

These past 11 weeks tested my nerves and patience as I had to deal with work problem and lack of sleep. I soon over came that as I set my priorities and set my boundaries so that I wouldn't be burnt out or let my problems impact my training. This race was planned a long time ago and with me no longer being manager, the new manager needed to learn to take ownership and leadership and work with the team members, as that was no longer my responsibility. You would think that since I'm not a manager anymore, that I would be less stressed but that was not what happened, but once I put my foot down it made it easier for me to step back and just let it go :)

These past 11 weeks consisted of over 100 hours of training:

150.61 miles
30:51:21 hours
14,834 calories

29.60 miles
17:05:29 hours
9,950 calories

815.64 miles
56:38:52 hours
24,935 calories

With only one more week to go, I need to make sure I remain focused on what is ahead of me. I know I can do each leg, it's just doing it all in one day.  I know that my team will be there, racing with me and I look forward to hearing them as we pass each other on the run. We've all done the training. We've all reached new heights. We've all improved.  We are ready for this and we will get this done.

Although Rich won't be at my race, I know he will be thinking of me and waiting to hear how I'm doing. Nancy has offered to send him reports during the race so he's kept up to speed on what I finished and that I'm still alive :)  I'm hoping we can celebrate when we're both home.

Now I need to just rest and relax and be ready for race day.  I know I can do this!!!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

LONG training days... ouch

What seemed like a good idea 10 weeks ago was definitely put to a test this past week.

I was finally able to get into Lake Michigan, which is great since all of my OW training has been in Lake Andrea, all good and dandy when I'm racing there or in pools, but not for Racine.  I had Friday off again, no way I was going to go to work after the 4th of July holiday. So Wendy, Stephanie I and I headed to the lake to go for our swim.  It was so different to swim in Lake Michigan than in the pool. It was definitely cold but in a bit I warmed up and was really moving. I still need to really work on my siting and swimming straight, never thought that could be so hard to do. I kept a great pace and got in a little over a mile in.  I was really happy.

After the swim, Stephanie I and I went on our adventure to find the Pearl Izumi Outlet store.  We lucked out and found it and got some great deals. I have a new tri outfit for race day and another pair of tri shorts.  Pretty sweet.

Sunday was now the killer of all training days.  This was our day long event, to get us ready for Racine...

40 min swim
1 hour T1
3 hour bike
1 hour T2
1.5 hour run

Sounds easy, especially with the long transition times, but it was so NOT!!!  The

The swim was probably the easiest to do. We swam out to the 1 mile mark and then back, still needing time we did a short out and back and got or 40 min and I got in 1.2 miles in... So I know I have the swim.  T1 was back at the house, we ate washed wetsuits and chatted about what route we were going to take. Somehow we got hills into our route and that was so not fun.  The heat started to raise and so did the humidity. We headed out to do the ride and it wasn't too bad, until the big hill up to Madison... OMG once I finished that I thought I was going to die. Stephanie B said I went white :(  We got back home but still short on time so I took them thru a loop in the hood and we hit our 3 hours.  T2 was a well needed one. We ate more, used the bathroom and relaxed a bit. The heat was still raising and the humidity was unbearable. We had no choice we had to do it. So at 2pm we left for the Prairie Path. This was definitely TOUGH.  We took bottles of water with us and I think I poured more of it on me than drinking it. My leg was cramping and so was my side. I wanted to maintain a 12 min pace, but we stopped too long at the water fountain out and back that it impacted those miles. But overall I did it, I got in 7 miles in 1.5 hrs. If I can keep that pace I should be good, at least I hope.  I'm just terrified over how hot its going to be during the run and making sure I'm hydrated enough.

After all was said and done, we rehydrated back at the house and took advantage of Payton's pool :)

These last 2 weeks are key. Even though I'm starting to taper it doesn't mean I can skip any of my workouts. I need to make sure I stay focused and complete what is on the calendar so I can get this done and be ready for Racine...

2 week count-down begins!!!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Strangers in vans to the rescue

Getting ready for Racine with only a couple weeks to go has been so stressful and nerve-wracking. I'm still wondering if I could actually get thru this and if after all of this is done, will I really be ready for Madison next year.  I know that I can do each leg separately but doing it all in one day is still freaking me out. My anxiety level is definitely at the max and I'm trying to keep it under control, but not sure I can.

It was really strange, but the week after Pleasant Prairie, I was just not feeling it. My motivation to train was so much less than in the past. I found reasons to skip or shorten a workout and I didn't like how that felt. I was still feeling pain in my leg, the one I sprained during the run in PP weeks before the race. And I was still feeling really really dehydrated and no matter how much water I drank I was still thirsty.  If this is what an Olympic did to me, what will a Half Ironman do????

We started doing longer training days these last couple of weeks, including a long bike ride. Last weekend was our 4+ hr bike ride ranging between 60-75 miles.  Since I had L.A.T.E. Ride on Sunday it wasn't going to happen then, so I took Friday off and Stephanie I went on the ride with me.  We decided to try the Perry Rd route, but instead of starting at the forest preserver, we went to NIU and set out from there. This gave a good location with a bathroom and food for afterwards. This was definitely an adventure. We had some strong head winds as we headed west, and at time we barely kept a 9 mph pace.  It sucked, but it built character :)  After our stop at the Shell Station in Rochelle, where we fueled up, it was back to campus.  This time the wind was at our backs so we were clocking 19-24 mph... this was AWESOME.  Once we got to 4th Ave, we realized we would not hit our mileage so we stayed on Perry Rd a little longer. We were going to hit Saumanack and then head north to Lincoln Highway and then back to campus.  Good idea, so we thought. But the north winds were picking up and that made is so much not fun at all. Then from the west we see the storm clouds coming. There was no way we would out ride these. We tried our hardest, but once the wind really hit and the rain, and almost falling into the ditch on the side of the road, we opted to dismount and walk. We had about a 2-3 block walk to safety, a Mobile station. So here we are, walking along a highway with our bikes, winds and rain and trying to just move forward. When all of a sudden some guy stopped and asked if we wanted a ride.  Without thinking, we were in the van and heading where ever he took us. Yeah we said we needed a ride to campus, but he said he had to go to the bank first... We lucked out so much, he was a nice person and got us back to campus safely.  So we ended up being about 6 miles short of our ride, but we survived... and now we celebrate with beer nuggets :)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I survived my first Olympic... I think

Well it's great to say that I actually did it.  I went further than a sprint and survived.  Yes it's only about half of what I'll have to do in 4 weeks, but still a big feat for me.

Yesterday was the  Pleasant Prairie Sprint/International Triathlon.  We had a great turnout from Midwest Multi-Sport, with about 14+ members in attendance.  We were racing in the Sprint, International and even had a few in the Dualthon.  It was so great to have everyone there.

Friday night was the pre-race pasta party at Stephanie B's house.  The food was so great and it was great to just hang out and relax a bit. Granted I packed in a rush, I just kept going thru my mental list of things making sure I had it all... And not bad, all I was missing was my hat (and later I realized sunscreen, but thank's to B I used hers :) ). 

Saturday morning I headed out with Wendy, bright and early, in wonderful RAIN.  All this just to get in a lake swim. I know I'm being nuts-o, since my swim in my strongest discipline but I felt like I needed just ONE MORE LAKE SWIM.  Well, I got just that.... A swim out and back in the rain. YUCK. But hey I did it. After that we snuck into the locker rooms, showered and waited for the Stephanies to show up.   We then hit the Harbor Market and back to Franks Diner for lunch. MMMM Spam sandwich with tater tots - gotta have tater tots with the tri-taters :)

We finally ate and headed to the expo to get our stuff. All this time I'm dreading the fact that I had to see if I could get Carly's stuff since all i had was an email from her.  Luckily it wasn't a problem, but still the stress from it was more than I wanted to deal with... UGH. I can go on and on on this topic, but I vented enough on this weekend, and all I have to say is NEVER AGAIN.

Once we got our stuff, a nice massage and our backs evaluated we headed off to rack our bikes, walk the run route (had to see if the gravel was taken care of) check into the hotel and drive the bike route. OMG the bike route was crazy. They had us on frontage road, on hills and sharp turns. Not to mention the turnabout at the top of the overpass. This was gonna be tough.  After that we meet up with Lou, Nancy and Ed for dinner.  We relaxed and complained about how the heck was the girl gonna get her packet. At dinner we decided that i just leave it at the front desk and she deal with it whenever she gets there.  Once I was able to get that packet out of my possesion I was so much better. Relaxing in the hot tub after dinner and then slept like a baby... well a baby with noisy drunk neighbors. I think the wedding that was being held in our hotel had our floor booked with guests :(

So here we are race day... I woke up feeling good, but once I ate my waffle, I got sick to my stomach. I just wanted to puke. We loaded up and drove off, only to be stuck parking in the beach lot, and now having to walk all the way around to get to transition.  Not fun, but at least we didn't have our bikes with us.

My transition was set. Since I was wearing compressions socks that was one less thing I had to worry about, just wondering if it will help or harm me.  I haven't trained in them at all, not a smart move, but no turning back now.  After a short warm-up swim it was time to wait in line for the Porta-poties and then wait for my wave... Again I'm stuck in the last wave, but this time for the International group, I still had sprinters behind me.

Here we go.. the horn goes off and I'm diving into the water. I forgot about my foot and just went for it. Well forgot until someone grabbed me then I realized I had to be more careful. I was so worried I was going off coarse, but looking at my Garmin I was pretty much on track.  For some reason, the first leg of the swim was really really long.  I just couldn't tell when I was going to get to the turn. I started to get scared that I couldn't do it, that I would have to stop and hang on somewhere. I switched to breaststroke to make sure I was on track and that seemed to help.  After the first turn it got easier, then at the second turn, it was straight to the finish.  I couldn't believe I did it, I made a mile swim in less than 35 minutes... SWEET... Now to just be able to get out of the water gracefully for the photographers... HAHA right. I think they got a picture of me falling into the sand :) 

T1 wasn't too bad, once I got my legs to move. I put on my sunglasses and helmet on first, ripped off my wetsuit and then on with the shoes, all trying to down a gu and drink some water.  Then race belt on and I was off, walked my bike out and stumbled as I tried to get on my bike.

The bike was hard to get started with... This brick is something we never really worked on, and boy I could tell. Once I got my pace right I was booking it on the road. I could tell it was starting to heat up and the humidity was rising. But at least on the bike you get somewhat of a breeze.  Well that was good until we got on to frontage road and started to head south, right into the winds, and the rolling hills didn't help at all.  I managed to see Stephanie B on the road as she had just finished the first loop.  I still had so much more to go :(  I worked thru my gears, pushing thru the wind and making sure I drank.  Finally the first loop was done and now to the other side, with 2 nice rolling hills that were KILLER.  Here we merged with the Sprinters but it wasn't too bad.  The heat continued to rise, any route heading south was sure to have winds and of coarse hills.  I was feeling pain in the saddle and I'm sure I'll be buying a new seat soon.

I was happy to get off of the bike but the run was not good.  The heat was bad, the humidity was getting worse and I was cramping up.  My foot was hurting and I got worried. I figured, I gave myself 4 hours to finish and I was in good pace to break that even if I walked. But walking just meant being in the beating sun that much longer... AND WHERE THE HELL DID THE WIND GO!!!  The air was so stale now. I guzzled water whenever I got to a water stop. The gravel path was tough... no wind, no shade and no water. UGH not fun. Finally out of there it was down to only 1 more mile and I pushed thru it. The finish seemed so far away but I knew it was closer than before.

I finally passed the finish line, hearing the girls and guys yelling for me... I so needed that then.  I crossed, grabbed my gatorade and Wendy gave me some of her bagel.  We sat around talked and stretched before we headed back to the hotel to change and pack up, eat and hit the road home... One new feat under my belt and I could've never done it without my Coaches and my Team...  Oh and a side note here... we had no coaches here as they were on vacation in London, but we knew they were thinking of us and cheering us on :)


Monday, June 10, 2013

It could only happen to me... WHY ME!!!

Everyone hits a wall now and then, and I did just recently after training/racing for over 28 days straight without a day off.  This past week I took time to myself and relaxed on Wednesday and Friday, with all intentions that I would really step it up on the days that I did train.  We even planned for our first open water swim on Saturday up at Lake Andrea, followed by our long run, which we wanted to do along the Olympic course...

So on Saturday we all got up early and headed off to Pleasant Prairie for our swim/run.  I've been finding that I had trouble swimming with a full sleeve suit.  My arms were tight and I didn't get much rotation.  So I decided to go for a sleeveless and see how that was.  Besides being cold to start, I finally warmed up and was able to really swim.  My arms were able to move more and I felt very comfortable.  We swam out and back and I kept a good pace.  Just a few freak-outs from the seaweed touching my face but soon that passed.

The swim was a success, now off to a run... No problem at all, lets change and hit the road for a run.  The run started out a little tough. My legs had trouble moving at first, felt about as bad as when we get off the bike, but we pushed thru it.  We decided to follow the Olympic route we will be running in 2 weeks, a 10k not bad and doable... Ya think.  So after we turned into the gravel path it was all downhill from there.  The gravel turned out to be large grade loose gravel which made it really hard to keep your footing. I did good to start, but the one second of me looking away from the ground that I managed to spin and fall.  I twisted my right ankle, OMG it hurt so bad.  I ended up landing on the ground on my ass with my back to the group, so I really spun around bad.  I was crying so much, but it wasn't because of the pain, but it was because I was 2 weeks out from my Olympic and 6 weeks out from Racine.  How could this be happening to me, not now!!!!

The gang stuck with me until I was able to stand up. I told Wendy and Lou to go finish there run but be careful. Stephanie I stuck with me and walked with me. I was afraid to stop moving, to take off my shoe, because I can see it swelling. I was so terrified on what I did and how it would affect my training. Stephanie was great, she stuck with me and even opted not to run to keep me company. I felt bad she didn't get her training in but it was great to have her by my side... I don't know what I'd do without my team.

After the run was completed, Stephanie, Wendy and I went off to town to grab some lunch and walk around the farmers market.  It turned out to be a good day, if you didn't think about the throbbing foot :)  Brunch was at "Franks Place" and it was AWESOME, none of us were able to finish up our food.

Sunday turned out to be interesting as we had a long ride schedule... How was I going to do this with my foot totally swollen and my toes looking like stuffed sausages.  I was shocked that the 53 mile bike ride actually helped. I couldn't push it too hard, and I couldn't get off my saddle but I kept a good pace and after the ride my foot was no longer swollen but the bruising started up.

Now I just need to try to take it easy and hope that I didn't make too much damage and that I am able to keep up with my training.  Got an appt with Dr. Kelly to have it looked at and praying for the best.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Finally ... rest

5 weeks down
5 events/races completed
28 days of training

and I FINALLY got a day off... but at what expenses.

So I decided to change up my Week 5 weekend workout and move my long run to Friday morning, since I was working from home that day. This way I'd wake up early and run and then hope to sleep in on Saturday and take a full day off of training.

Well... let's look back at the week... All my training was off due to the holiday and races on the weekend. So my Monday run was Tuesday morning, my Wednesday run was Thursday morning.  Then on Thursday we had a brick workout, so I had to run again at night.  My body had just about had it.  Granted I was having great paces on my runs, on Friday morning my body wouldn't cooperate, plus the humidity was high and I had trouble breathing.  This weekends long run was a out and back with a negative split, only 1:30-2:00.  I thought that would be easy, head to the zoo and then back, no biggie... UHHH NOPE!!! I was just not feeling it, I was definitely struggling the whole way.  Once I hit my 50 minutes out, I had posted on FB that I hit the wall and still had to make it back home... then surprisingly I hit a 10ish min mile... WHERE DID THAT COME FROM... well regardless it was short lived. I walked so much more and it sucked all the way.  I got back home in a 1:42, 2 minutes over my negative split. I really thought it would've been so much more worse, but my little spurts of energy must've help compensated for that and I wasn't as bad as I thought.

I got home and soaked in epson salts and then settled in to work.  I screwed up my appointment for my massage and I missed it and had to reschedule for this Friday.  I was so bummed, and pissed off that I did this as I was really looking forward to starting a nice relaxing day off.

Sleeping in didn't happen, thanks to Payton. She was up early as usual and just wanting to play. So I finally got out of bed at 7am and snuggled with her.  How can I get mad at this little girl, she's soooo sweet :)  Rich decided he was going to golf before we headed to Angelo's for the Hawks game (they won... WOOHOO!!) so I went shopping. I didn't find any work clothes but I got lots of summer clothe... and guess what I'm  FREAKIN SIZE 3/4!!! I have no clue when I was that size before but it felt great.

So then it was the game and finally home to sleep.

Sunday was a long bike ride, 3:00 - 3:30, but I only got in 2:50 (moving time) but was gone for 3:30... so if you count stops and stuff I did do it... mere technicality :). It was cold and misty, we headed out and ended up in Bolingbrook, close to the IKEA.  And then we run into Coach... just my luck he stuck with me to help me work the hills.  Can i say I HATE HILLS!!!! But he did help and I think I know what I have to do. I also practiced getting out of the saddle when I pedal and that went pretty well.  Getting more and more comfortable on Roxy... it's just those DAMN HILLS!!! After that was dinner at my parents for Carol and my birthday then home again.

So 5 weeks is done and I have 7 more weeks to go.  We're starting OW swims this weekend, since we have Pleasant Prairie in about 2 weeks, and workouts are getting longer.  I need to adjust some of my schedules so I can make sure I keep everything even, with work, home and work-outs.. UGH

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Don't I get a down day???

Well training is going great.. Week 4 is down and so is my tough month with training, racing and events.  I haven't had a day off from training since May 3rd. This past weekend was the toughest to say the least.  Since I didn't complete my long ride last weekend due to Leaning Tower Tri, I had to make it up on Friday.

3 hour long ride

So after riding on Thursday in the cold and wind, I went off on a 3hr ride on Friday.  I rode down to Willow Springs to meet up with Stephanie I and then we rode the trails. The ride in the streets was definitely a challenge, the cars didn't care for a rider and some of them showed it by zooming past me barely missing me.  It's not like there wasn't any on coming traffic, but it was more they were annoyed or something and just didn't care.  Unfortunately, I couldn't make it any more over onto the side because of the pot holes and sewer grates.  Regardless, I just slowed down and let those assholes pass. Once I got to the trail, I met up with Stephanie and we headed west, we decided to go to Lemont to her cousin's house so we could refuel and hit the potty if we needed to. We had some hill challenge and I was pretty good at it. There was a few tough ones, but I managed and survived.  Once we got back to the start of the path, I still had an hour more to ride, so I did the smaller loop and then headed back home.  I finished under 2:57 which I was happy with that.  I didn't want to push it, since Saturday was Soldier Field 10 Miler.

Soldier Field 10 Miler

Saturday morning was another early morning for me, I so can't wait until I can get to sleep in.  But its race day and what more do I have to do but get up early and head off to the start line, even on my Birthday.  So today I turn 43 years old, really I don't feel it at all. I know that in the last couple of years, I gained a lot of strength and improved my health tremendously, so this race today, I'm running to show that I can do it and do it better than last year.  And that is exactly what I did.  I got to start the race with great friends who wanted to start celebrating my day with me.  Amir, Precious and May were great to hang out with at the start, even though we lost each other after that, it was great to have them by my side.

As Stephanie I told me at Leaning Tower, I was racing my own race.  I didn't care where they were but just knowing that I had my plan and I was going to stick to my plan.  I didn't want to injure myself or push myself to the point that I was no longer having fun, but I was going to be safe and finish under my goal of 2:00.  The race seemed to be the same as any other race, but then something happened. Just after the 1 mile mark, just past 31st street, there was a crowd forming screaming and yelling. I stopped to see how to help, and it turns out that a runner was down. They didn't fall, they were just laying there, and as I stopped I saw her seizing.  Everyone that stopped either helped to form a wall around her to protect her or call 911 to get medical.  Two separate runners stopped, a nurse and doctor, once a coarse marshal showed up I took off.  I couldn't stop thinking of her and just hoped she was better. I got back into my groove and kept moving. Around mile 6 I had to make a pitstop at the port-o-potties and that added time to my run as well.  I really didn't care, I just wanted to finish. I knew I would be under a 2:00, just not sure how much under a 2:00.  I could see the finish, well at least the gates to the stadium, so I knew soon I'll be on the 50.  And there I was, I finished with a 1:53:57, that was 10 minutes off my time from last year... OMG It was awesome, I was still thinking of the girl on the course, but I was happy with my finish and I didn't care it was slower than I thought but I had good reasonings.

Bike the Drive

And yet I am up early again, and this time Rich is joining me.  We have our annual Bike the Drive with Kathy today, Joe sleeps in so we'll see him after.  This year we decided to hit the ride and then head off to Kuma's Corner for some grub after wards.  Poor Kathy was still dealing with jet-lag that she could only complete the south loop, but Rich and I went on to hit the north loop. It turned out to be a really nice day for the ride. The winds weren't too bad, but at least it was sunny. There was definitely a lot more riders out there this year than last but it was still fun. There were still the regular idiots riding, and I was amazed at some of them. There were those "riders" who were all geared up and you can tell they know to ride, but they just didn't follow the rules of the road. One dude got so close to me and never announced himself, Rich yelled back at him and he was just like whatever.  I swear it totally amazes me.  But in the end it was a great ride and couldn't wait to meet up with Joe & Kathy at Kuma's Corner for some YUMMY food :)

Week 4 is done...

This was definitely the longest week with most hours/miles logged:

127.37 miles
11:31:30 hours
5,280 calories

8 more weeks to go!!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

2 more weeks down...

Well I haven't posted in 2 weeks so here is a run-down of what's been going on.

Well after coming off of the Wisconsin Half, I finally got to feeling better and just kept on schedule with my training. My recovery ride was along Salt Creek and that was a good change of pace. Some hills (although Coach Dave doesn't call these hills) and twists and turns. I went easy but had some fun trying out the aerobars and working on my leaning.  I'm definitely feeling better in my rides as I spend more time in my saddle. The Tuesday night ride I again hit the trail but then Coach told me of a loop with a little more hills so I tried it.  Damn that hurt, the last hill was a bit of a challenge but I made it.  This is definitely a loop I want to repeat until I can find no trouble on that last hill.  Now on to the runs... Coach made us walk on Monday night so that was kind of our recovery run.  On Wednesday I did my easy run alone.  I felt GREAT!! I didn't know what got into me but damn my pass was pretty quick.  A year ago, where I fought to get a 12:45 pace this year I'm keeping an 11-11:30 pace pretty easily, and sometimes I'm even faster.  I don't know why but I definitely can keep my pace up and I'm loving it.  When I went out on the run, I thought I had to do a negative split, so I tried for that and I did great, I took a lot of time off my run.

The weekend had our schedule to be normal long runs/bikes practicing nutrition and negative splits. But I had to mix it up a bit, since Rich and I had a fun ride on Saturday.  We did the Ride The Rock family ride, which was an adventure I might say.  A 16 mile loop on paths, thru neighborhoods and the I&M Canal.  Since I needed time in the saddle, we went for 2 loops. Whenever I had the chance to practice my aerobars, I took it and settled in to the bars and damn did I fly. The only part that kind of scared me was riding on the I&M Canal as it was crushed gravel, but on the second loop I felt better and was able to get my speed up.  I'm realizing everyday I ride that I'm getting more and more comfortable... now if only I could stand up on the bike... that still freaks me out.

Week 3 of training was much of the same, but adding in some Brick workouts since we had Leaning Tower Tri that weekend. I'm realizing as i train and race that my run and swim are definitely my strong points, but my bike, well that REALLY needs work.  It scares me that I'm not as strong as I wish I could be or as anyone else in my team.  I know I'm being hard on myself and I have improved since last year, but still, why can't I get my cadence up and why can't I ride while off my saddle.

Leaning Tower Tri was a total success for me, but I know I still need to work on it.  From last year, I had improved A LOT!!!

Last year my times were:
Swim 9:19.30
T1 1:55.75
Bike 48:04.15 14.0 mph
T2 1:33.75
Run 41:56.95 13:32/M
Total - 1:42:49.90

This year I dropped almost 19 minutes from my time :)
Swim 8:35
T1 2:15
Bike 37:39
T2 1:11
Run 33:44
Total 1:23:22

I don't know what happened with my T1 that it was almost 20 seconds slower than last year, but I do know they moved the mats to before the mulch area so who knows what that really means. But overall I was REALLY REALLY happy. It was great to have everyone to train and race with and having Coach, Wendy, Stephanie I and David there to cheer us on was great.

That night we all met up at Dairy Queen to celebrate and talk with Coach. He's kind of scaring me because I'm not getting enough time in the saddle... I don't know what to do, this month is a tough month cuz of races and all but now I need to figure out what I can do to get more time on the bike and get some miles in while working on nutrition and hydration... UGH, I'm getting nervous.

9 more weeks to go!!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Week 1 down, it was a piece of cake...

This first week wasn't so bad, but it was a little bit of a challenge. Mainly because I should've been tapering in prep for my Spring Half, but with this training there really wasn't much tapering in store.

New schedule started on an early Monday morning.  Swimming at L.A. Fitness with Wendy is something we haven't done in a really really long time. It's going to be a new thing but we have to do it.  I'm still running on Monday's with the team and now let's add some biking.  I'm also having to get in an extra run during the week, just easy out/back from the hood.  We're back to York Woods for Thursday rides with Elmhurst Bike Club., soon we'll start getting into Bricks which will just make things that more fun.

Now to the highlight of this weeks... Wisconsin Half Marathon.  Stephanie B and I were to head up on Friday night and spend a relaxing night in Racine before the race. It would've been great had the weather cooperated, and had I not been sick, but it was good. I had woken up Friday with the worst stomach cramps, ranging from a 5-12 on a scale of 1-10. I felt like someone was stomping on my gut and twisting my intestines.  I was in so much pain. I couldn't eat, let alone drink. How was this going to be for my race. I was no under-nourished, dehydrated and not rested.  By the time we left for up north I felt a little better and the pains now became just twinges.  We picked up our packets and headed to our hotel, got some dinner than relaxed in the hot-tub. Back at the room, I laid down to let my stomach settle, only to pass-out by 8:30pm and not waking up again until my alarm went of at 5am.

Race-time is upon us... 

I had no clue what to expect. Even though I slept great the night before I was wondering how being sick would impact my race.  I decided that all I wanted to do was finish and not be in in pain... that was easy :)  So I had my plan in place, it was a little chilly but nice weather for a race.  At the start of the race, I felt pretty good. I started out slow, or so I thought, I saw I was going a little too fast so I pulled back and then made sure I did my walk intervals.  Ok, I guess I was feeling better than I actually thought. I was running great, keeping a good pace and talking with people as I ran. It was awesome to be in a pack of runners, not alone like I usually am. I found a pace group that was trying to hit a sub-5 for the marathon so the leader kept the group going by calling out mile splits. I realized those splits would keep me to hit my 2:30 for my PR. I found that I had to force myself to stop and get water along with doing my walk breaks. After the first 4 miles, I realized I had over 2 minutes to spare on my splits. By mile 8 I slowed down a bit, but not because of being tired or anything, but it was more due to the turn around.  After the last water stop I just ran, no more walking, keeping a good pace and trying to get as close to a PR as I could (a PR would've been anything faster than a 2:45).  Once I hit mile 11 I knew I could do this, I just buckled down and pushed for it.  The finish was close and I was so excited.  Really how could I get such a great time with the fact that I was really really sick the night before.  In the end I did it... 2:28:52... HOLY COW!!!

Wisconsin Marathon/Half-Marathon by sandrade70 at Garmin Connect - Details

Now the rest of the weekend is a recovery weekend with an easy ride on Sunday.  Yeah... this isn't too bad :)  1 week down, 11 more to go!!!

Monday, April 29, 2013

And it all starts... TODAY!!!

Well today is day one of our 12 week training program for Racine Half-Ironman.  I'm nervous yet excited. I know my strengths and my weakness. I know what I need to work on and dedicate more time, effort to, and what I can do just to maintain.

My swim is all set, I've cut so much time off in the last couple of months, that I'm pretty happy, at least for Leaning Tower.  I'll just need to work on keeping a good pace as the distances get longer.  I'm sure that will come easier as I get out into the lake.  Now to think if I want to stick with my full wetsuit, or if I should try a farmer john.  The sleeves seem to constrict me and makes it harder for me to keep a good pace.

My run, well, my run is my run.  I'm still doing my intervals of 5min run/1 min walk.  That seems to be my key for anything longer than a 5k race.  When I've been running lately, if I feel good, then I'll just push thru a walk interval and run it but remind myself that I have to run thru the runs regardless... Well not really, depends on hills... hills always win out :)

My bike has been serviced/fitted and it's been on the road already 3 times.  First 2 rides were pretty easy on the I&M Canal and Centennial trails, but those damn hills there just kill me.  Yesterday was a "fun" ride with a large group of the triathletes. Dave lead the ride to Busse Woods, and yes, again we had HILLS... I just don't get why I can't figure them out??? Why can't I push thru it and get up it without almost dying. Also, I just don't get why I can't get use to just spinning, I feel like I'm still doing so much more work and not getting anywhere, unlike the rest of the team.

I know my strengths
I know my weaknesses
I must work to make my strengths stronger and lessen my weaknesses

With my team I will get it done
With Rich's help I shall be able to conquer those hills and gain some speed.

I hope and I pray that I just FINISH, but I want to have fun and with my team's I know we'll have a blast... I love them all :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

What is the world coming to...

I know that this is my blog on my trials and tribulations, but today is a day that I will never forget...

While at work, and emailing back and forth with Christin over the fact that the NFL can't get there asses in order and get out the 2013 schedule out. We're on pins and needles to see when she can visit me for the Bears game and when I will be going out there. After I send her my potential marathon race options, I then  get an email from here that there was a bombing at the Marathon.  I wasn't sure what happened but then I started to read the article. I looked to Facebook  because several from the Elmhurst Running Club were out there, many of who we see on the path during our morning runs. Even thou we don't know everyone by name, we know each other from the path. Even thou I don't run there pace or distance, they still say hello and wish us luck. It was hard to fathom what just happened. Hard to believe that this could happen. Hard to think that I actually knew people there and was worried. The news feeds were going crazy with details, the video feeds were flooding the internet.

At first they said it was only 23 injured and 2 dead, one being an 8yr old child. Now that I look online they are saying the injured are in the 100's and that there are 3 dead.  Most are spectators as the bombing happened near the finish.  Who could've thought such a tragedy could happen at such a joyous and amazing event.  To qualify for Boston, it's a feat in itself. To have family and friends there to watch you cross the finish, I could only imagine.  They were all there just to watch the culmination of there friends/families hard work and this happens. I was just planning my marathon and now this scares me and makes me wonder what I should do. What about the races I'm already signed up for? Will I be safe there? Will my friends/family/team be safe at there races?

I know I'm babbling here, but I just can't get my mind around this...

What if this was a race I was at?

What if I was there at the finish cheering my team on?

What if my friends/family were to there watch and cheer me on?

Are we ever safe?

What do we do now?

What do I do now with all my races planned this year?

For now all I can do is pray for those who lost family member, pray for those injured, and be thankful that all my friends and safe.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

13 mile training run...

According to our training schedule, this weekend was a 13-14 mile long run, at our long run pace.  Seeing that I want to do Milwaukee in a 2:30, I was to run between a 11:47 - 12:53. I thought that would be sooo doable and that I could even do better, keeping between a 11:30-11:45.  Little did  I know that the stress on me from the Release weekend and warranty week would have such an impact on my run.

Since my work week was soo bad, I had decided to take Friday off to relax and get some stuff done, like chop my hair. Yeah I needed a new do so that I could be ready for race season. It was too long to deal with and my only condition I told my stylist was that it should still fit in a pony tail... So it's chopped but look cute and I can even french braid it :)  Even with the day off, that didn't help me out for the run. The damage was already done. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition and dehydrated were just the topper of all my problems ahead of me.

So here we are, race day!  Stephanie I, Wendy, Lena, Stephanie B and myself. We're all set for this training run.  Well it was a training run for all of us but Lena, this would be her first 1/2 marathon, and Stephanie B would be pacing her, while Wendy and Stephanie I would pace together.  Me being the slower one, I was alone for the run. No to worry, I'm use to it, but at least I had my tunes to keep me going.

As always i took off too quickly, keeping up with Wendy and Stephanie I for the first mile.  I realized I would fizzle out quickly if I kept this up so I started to pull back and added a little walk.  After that I kept it at the a good pace and kept that going until about mile 8. At that point, or maybe just before, I started to feel a pull in my left calf. I slowed down and walked and it went away. I started to run again, and then again it came back and this time it hurt. I again pulled back and walked it off. Once again.. Not good, this time it was both legs and I almost fell.  I was getting cramping in both legs and it hurt. I knew it, I was already dehydrated, even thou I was drinking water but it seemed to be the side effects from my work week.  At mile 9-10 it was it... I just couldn't keep it up. Anytime I picked up my pace I would stumble and the pain was bad. I was crying and I wanted to give up. I kept talking myself into pushing thru the pain and it was grueling. I never cried during a run and this time I was crying like a baby. I was hurting bad and worrying that I would fall because my calf would tighten and my foot would drag. I didn't know what to do. I was still 3 miles from the finish. I pushed thru it and finally saw the 13 mile marker.  Only had to finish crossing the overpass and a small run thru the grass and I would be done.  I saw the girls cheering me on and I was hurting that for the first time I started to ball after I crossed the finish line.  I just lost it and the pain was still there.

Even thou I finished and I did PR (2:46), I was so disappointed with myself because I let my job affect my training.  I just hope that I can get over this and move forward with my training and meet my meet all my goals for this race season.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Just when you want to give up...

This weekend is our deployment weekend, also today is the 4 month anniversary of my baby Delilah's passing. I've been missing her so much lately it's been affecting my every day activities including my running and training overall.  The last couple of runs have been all over the place. I either do great or I have to talk myself out of giving up. With deployment activities my stress level has been really high and that also doesn't help me in my training. I've been averaging 2-3 hrs of sleep at night, not eating as well as I should and definitely not well hydrated.  The double wammy of missing Delilah and deployment is really killer.

During the Monday night run, i did great! I kept my pace for my 20 minute tempo and it was awesome, even thou I puked on the 4th loop.  But then on Tuesday I just felt like blah and couldn't get up at for spin class (also didn't hurt that Wendy was on vacation so didn't have her there to push me to go, push in a good way that is).  Then Wednesday I was really out of if, my emotions were at the worst and I still went to the last night of Winter Runners, and it showed it in my run.  I couldn't keep a good pace at all. I just wanted to give up but I did my 16 minutes out and back but no negative split here. I walked more than I wanted to the run back. I stayed a little for the bit after and had a slice of pizza and took a couple pictures then it was back home. It was then another night of no sleep, well I think I dozed on and off on the coach but nothing worth saying that I got some rest. Luckily I got to work from home on Thursday, but in hopes to be a little relaxed before go live I skipped my swim that night.

Since release means I have to start work at 2-3 pm on Friday until Saturday morning sometime, I knew I wouldn't be making it out to run with the group Saturday morning.  So I had no other choice but to do my long run Friday morning.  Even thou I tried to sleep in Payton had other ideas... Play while mommy sleeps and take a nap when mommy wakes up.  So at 930ish I was up and getting dressed and heading out the door for my 8 mile run. I kept going back and forth on what my plan was for today. Go east 1 then back 1 for warm-up then 2 out west and then back at race pace, then back east 1 and back for cool down... Then I kept thinking that will all the back and forth I would easily give up and just head home, so instead I made a simple out and back heading west.  The path was still in crappy conditions. There were so many holes and ice and muck that it just sucked and I feared rolling my ankles. I couldn't keep a good pace and again I started to talk myself out of it. Then I started to justify my crap run with the fact that I'm not sleeping, not eating and not being well hydrated.  I also realized I didn't have the auto lap feature on so I had to fix that just after mile 1... I just wasn't with it and my time was showing it.  After my warm-up I just moved to the street and gulped down my Gu.  Then I was off... I was really moving well, thankful for stable ground. Surprisingly my pace rocked it.  At 4 miles set to be at my race pace (11:27) I thought that would be doable, and trying not to walk would be the greatest challenge, but  I thought I could do it. Imagine my amazement that I was at a 10:38 - 11:04, with my overall pace at a 11:27.  WOW I guess I got my mojo once I left the path and it was awesome. I finished my run feeling great and realizing that I can totally do this. My music was my company and it kept me going. Thinking of my Delilah pushed me to be strong and get thru my miles. My baby girl will always be with me and I know that I can count of her to give me the strength and courage to complete all that lies ahead of me.

With this feeling of accomplishment, I finally buckled down and registered for Racine 70.3... No turning back now!!!

Prairie Path - Weekend Long Run by sandrade70 at Garmin Connect - Details