Monday, December 2, 2013

The journey has just begun... 1 down... 35 to go

Well the first week of IM training wasn't too bad. And likewise it shouldn't have been as it was a "preparation" week. Most of the workouts were simple and getting some baselines together. I did pretty well with keeping to the plan, made some slight adjustments to the schedule to suit my needs but in the end it came together. The only part I slacked on was the swimming.  I really don't feel like I need to be overly concerned with that right now. Plus I added in 3 days of yoga to compensate. Let me tell you that yoga really beat the crap out of me but I really enjoyed it.
My first 2 runs were on the treadmill cuz I couldn't bear to run outside. But my first outdoor run, was 3 1 mile repeats I totally kicked butt on them (11:10 10:10 10:10). I've never done that well I was so happy.
Bike had been spin class or on the trainer. This week I'll be setting up for and see how that works for me.
So my week I review was:
11 workouts
32.09 miles
3264 calories
Now off to week 2

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