Monday, April 15, 2013

What is the world coming to...

I know that this is my blog on my trials and tribulations, but today is a day that I will never forget...

While at work, and emailing back and forth with Christin over the fact that the NFL can't get there asses in order and get out the 2013 schedule out. We're on pins and needles to see when she can visit me for the Bears game and when I will be going out there. After I send her my potential marathon race options, I then  get an email from here that there was a bombing at the Marathon.  I wasn't sure what happened but then I started to read the article. I looked to Facebook  because several from the Elmhurst Running Club were out there, many of who we see on the path during our morning runs. Even thou we don't know everyone by name, we know each other from the path. Even thou I don't run there pace or distance, they still say hello and wish us luck. It was hard to fathom what just happened. Hard to believe that this could happen. Hard to think that I actually knew people there and was worried. The news feeds were going crazy with details, the video feeds were flooding the internet.

At first they said it was only 23 injured and 2 dead, one being an 8yr old child. Now that I look online they are saying the injured are in the 100's and that there are 3 dead.  Most are spectators as the bombing happened near the finish.  Who could've thought such a tragedy could happen at such a joyous and amazing event.  To qualify for Boston, it's a feat in itself. To have family and friends there to watch you cross the finish, I could only imagine.  They were all there just to watch the culmination of there friends/families hard work and this happens. I was just planning my marathon and now this scares me and makes me wonder what I should do. What about the races I'm already signed up for? Will I be safe there? Will my friends/family/team be safe at there races?

I know I'm babbling here, but I just can't get my mind around this...

What if this was a race I was at?

What if I was there at the finish cheering my team on?

What if my friends/family were to there watch and cheer me on?

Are we ever safe?

What do we do now?

What do I do now with all my races planned this year?

For now all I can do is pray for those who lost family member, pray for those injured, and be thankful that all my friends and safe.

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