This first week wasn't so bad, but it was a little bit of a challenge. Mainly because I should've been tapering in prep for my Spring Half, but with this training there really wasn't much tapering in store.
New schedule started on an early Monday morning. Swimming at L.A. Fitness with Wendy is something we haven't done in a really really long time. It's going to be a new thing but we have to do it. I'm still running on Monday's with the team and now let's add some biking. I'm also having to get in an extra run during the week, just easy out/back from the hood. We're back to York Woods for Thursday rides with Elmhurst Bike Club., soon we'll start getting into Bricks which will just make things that more fun.
Now to the highlight of this weeks... Wisconsin Half Marathon. Stephanie B and I were to head up on Friday night and spend a relaxing night in Racine before the race. It would've been great had the weather cooperated, and had I not been sick, but it was good. I had woken up Friday with the worst stomach cramps, ranging from a 5-12 on a scale of 1-10. I felt like someone was stomping on my gut and twisting my intestines. I was in so much pain. I couldn't eat, let alone drink. How was this going to be for my race. I was no under-nourished, dehydrated and not rested. By the time we left for up north I felt a little better and the pains now became just twinges. We picked up our packets and headed to our hotel, got some dinner than relaxed in the hot-tub. Back at the room, I laid down to let my stomach settle, only to pass-out by 8:30pm and not waking up again until my alarm went of at 5am.
Race-time is upon us...
I had no clue what to expect. Even though I slept great the night before I was wondering how being sick would impact my race. I decided that all I wanted to do was finish and not be in in pain... that was easy :) So I had my plan in place, it was a little chilly but nice weather for a race. At the start of the race, I felt pretty good. I started out slow, or so I thought, I saw I was going a little too fast so I pulled back and then made sure I did my walk intervals. Ok, I guess I was feeling better than I actually thought. I was running great, keeping a good pace and talking with people as I ran. It was awesome to be in a pack of runners, not alone like I usually am. I found a pace group that was trying to hit a sub-5 for the marathon so the leader kept the group going by calling out mile splits. I realized those splits would keep me to hit my 2:30 for my PR. I found that I had to force myself to stop and get water along with doing my walk breaks. After the first 4 miles, I realized I had over 2 minutes to spare on my splits. By mile 8 I slowed down a bit, but not because of being tired or anything, but it was more due to the turn around. After the last water stop I just ran, no more walking, keeping a good pace and trying to get as close to a PR as I could (a PR would've been anything faster than a 2:45). Once I hit mile 11 I knew I could do this, I just buckled down and pushed for it. The finish was close and I was so excited. Really how could I get such a great time with the fact that I was really really sick the night before. In the end I did it... 2:28:52... HOLY COW!!!
Wisconsin Marathon/Half-Marathon by sandrade70 at Garmin Connect - Details
Now the rest of the weekend is a recovery weekend with an easy ride on Sunday. Yeah... this isn't too bad :) 1 week down, 11 more to go!!!
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