Sunday, November 24, 2013

Rest... Rest... Rest...

After it's all said and done, rest was the best thing for me.  After all the training and racing I put my body thru I took about 3 weeks off from training to relax and recoup and heal up. I thought it would be hard, but I actually found enjoyment in doing nothing unless I wanted to. I didn't run for 3 weeks, as I had a ligament strain in my foot. I then found out that the pain in my neck was due to my fall at ACC, which caused a trapezious muscle strain, and had to get a cortisone shot at the base of my skull. I only swam on Tuesday after MCM and biking, well I started taking spin class with Rich on Monday nights. I took a few yoga classes and loved it, realizing I really need to work on my stretching. I did what I wanted when I wanted. And when I did that first run with the group, this past Wednesday, it felt great. I kept a 11:20 pace for 3.5 miles. I just thought of my accomplishments this past year. All the obstacles I overcame. The fun time and the pains. And then realized that the fun will soon end as Boulder IM training will be starting soon.

And the fun now ends... Tomorrow I start my 36 week program towards Boulder IM.  I feel confident that I can do this race, as long as I improve on my bike.

Can I do it, I sure hope so.
Am I scared, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't
Will I do it, oh hell yes, or die trying.


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