Sunday, July 27, 2014

Road to Boulder... Here at last

WOW I can't believe it.

Boulder is next weekend.

I've put in the hours and the miles and here I go.

Roxy has been on her way with my bike/swim gear.

I've packed and repacked my gear. Checked my flight information. Contacted the house. Everything seems to be in order.

Last few visits with Dr. Kelly and a few more sessions of dry needling and massage and I should be as ready as I should be.

Looking forward to have Christin with me on the flight from Chicago to Denver.  Then we'll get Stephanie and head to the house.  The boys will be getting there later in the week, so this should give us some time to get settled in, check out Ironman Village and wait for our bikes to arrive.

I'm so nervous I can't sleep, I can't eat. I want to run but I must taper.  This is most important for this race.

I've put in the hours and the miles... I'm ready to go!!!

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