Saturday, July 5, 2014


This could be the worst thing that could EVER happen to me.

I still can't believe it!

Stephanie and I went out for out 100 mile bike ride. I know I can do this, I did it at ACC last year plus we did 85 2 weeks ago, only cut short cuz I fell at the trail head because I couldn't clip out, but I didn't think this could ever happen to me.

Testing out my new slick tires and feeling good, we hit the halfway point and went to turn to head back. 50 down, 50 to go... or so I thought.  The area I did my U-Turn had some fresh gravel, I thought I had a wide enough turn, but the new tires didn't grip well on it and the next thing I knew I was going down. The back tire started to slip and I couldn't clip out. I was going down and I couldn't stop it. I went down hard and if it wasn't for my helmet I don't know what I would've done.  Since I couldn't clip out, my bike slid as I went down and my helmet slid up only to cause my head to hit the ground. I screamed so loud that the next thing I remember is hearing the clicking of Stephanie's shoes as she ran to my side. She didn't want to move worried it may be something bad. She tries to call Rich and no answer. I shaken up bleeding like crazy but want to sit up so i do so slowly. I somehow clipped out and we just tried to find the source of the blood. We used what we could to stop the bleeding.  We finally get a hold of Rich and he heads over to get us.  We were lucky the neighbor on the corner saw me and came out with ice water and papertowels. Her husband pulls up, a biker himself which explains why she was so helpful, and asked if we needed a ride. We said we'll just sit here, in the road.

I couldn't believe all the blood from such a small cut.

Rich got me home and I relaxed for a bit, only to have the cut keep bleeding. We opted for urgent care where I got stitched up and some meds for the pain.

Now what!!! I need this 100 miler for Boulder. And what about Muncie next weekend. The doc wants me to rest, but I can't. I have a schedule I have a plan I have an agenda. I can't rest. 

OMG is it possible that I won't be able to make this!!! 

Is it possible that one fall will take me out of the competition!!!

I can't let this stop me.  I need to push harder and get it done!!!

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