Monday, July 14, 2014

DNS is a hard pill to swallow

After a week of feeling like I was a failure.

After a week of feeling like I couldn't go on.

After a week of realizing that I may never fulfill dreams I never once thought possible.

After a week, I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

People who I didn't expect to be there for me where there. People who I thought would have reached out to me to comfort me didn't. I now knew who I can count on and how was just there.  I had so much support from past Ironmen. So much good advice and options on what to do next so I couldn't miss out on Boulder.

The hardest pill to swallow was that I would not be able to compete at Muncie 70.3.  Taking Nick's advice, I used this weekend to get in my long bike ride.  I adjust a few other training sessions and he said that should put me back on track.  In the end it was a smart move, as the girls decided to head up to Lake Andrea for an OWS and when I tried to put on my bathing cap I almost doubled over in pain. Then I just had the fear that someone was going to kick me in the face and I would split open my stitches.  So in the end it was a smart move, but still a DNS :(

On Friday, as we had the day off already for Muncie, Stephanie and I went out in search of our 100 miler.  I just asked that we stay off the road I fell on, but I wanted the hills and the challenge.  So we headed out and we did it. It was a tough ride but I got it done and now I felt like I can really do this.  I will hear those words in less than a month!! I will be an IRONMAN!!!

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