Saturday, May 26, 2012

Soldier Field 10 Miler

For this race, Fleet Feet Elmhurst was providing transportation to and from the race, plus a tent to store our gear at. I couldn't resist, even thou I'm with Runners Soul. But this way I was able to snooze on the ride out there and back and didn't have to deal with traffic.

Besides half marathon's, this was gonna be a challenge. It was cloudy out and at points there was some drizzle.  We heard the storms were staying south of us and that was all that mattered.

It felt like forever before the we got to my corral (next year I'm jumping ahead so I don't have to wait as long). I really enjoyed hearing the stories of the soldier there to run the race. It was very heartwarming and emotional, I teared up at times.

The race wasn't too bad. I walked when I had to and ran when I felt good. I tried to keep to my 5 min run/1 min walk and overall stuck to it.  Since I had run several Lakefront races last year, I had an idea what to expect at the start and end of the race, it was the longer distance and actually running on LSD that was kind of interesting.  Also they key highlight was finish on the 50. I got to see myself on the jumbotron and then wandered around the main concoarse looking for the blanket we got for the run.

Definitely coming back next year, especially since it's the 10th anniversary and falls on my birthday :)

Official time: 2:03:58

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