Sunday, May 6, 2012

Frederick's Half Marathon

Nut Job Medal... HERE I COME!!!

Like I really need a medal to prove that I'm a nut job when it comes to racing, but this does prove it.  A 5K the night before and now a half marathon... what am I thinking :)

Well I decided to join a pace group and see if that helps me keep on track. The fact that I know the end of the race, thanks to the twilight, I felt I could tackle that pretty easily. It was more in having that team mentality that I searched for and go it with the pace group.  I chose the 2:50 pace group and it was really great. They had us walking during the water stop and the uphills. The kept us interested in the run and they said it was the first time that everyone stayed together (not falling behind) in the pace group.  When we got to the final hill, a nice steep hill before we turn into the race track for one final loop to the finish, I took off. I could hear the pace team yelling my name telling me I could do it. And guess what, I DID!!! And I even PR'd.  It felt so great. I knew I could do it, but the pace team helped me out so much I really enjoyed it :)

Official Time: 2:50:09.95

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