Sunday, May 20, 2012

Leaning Tower Sprint Triathlon

This is all I really wanted to do when I started running last year.  Little did I know that the path I chose meant that I would be running so much more.

Leaning Tower was a great way to see if I really wanted to go further in my triathlons.  This was a good race for a first race and we had a great group out for this race.  (Wendy, Helen, Stephanie I, Stephanie B, Lou, Nancy and I race, while Dave and Judy cheered us on.) It's a 400m swim, 18K bike, and 5k run.  The swim was a breeze, I had no doubt about that. The bike was a little hard.  Getting my legs going on the bike and the heat starting to raise was not fun. 5 loops of that and I was happy I was off that bike.  Then it was off to the run.  OUCH!!! My legs felt like jello, I couldn't get myself moving at all. That was the worst feeling ever. Then it started to get really hot. And worst of it all they ran out of water.  I walked so much more than I wanted to but I went into survival mode once I hit the about mile 2 of the run.  I just wanted to finish and down some water.

The worst part of the race, if you can count it but I did, was that we were to get finisher medals and we got NOTHING!! I felt like I got robbed. We all were pissed because it was our first triathlon and the medal would've been a topper.

But overall a great experience with a great group of friends!!!

Official time:

Swim:      9:19.30 
T1:        1:55.75 
Bike:     48:04.15 
T2:        1:33.75 
Run:      41:56.95 
Overall 1:42:49.90

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