While searching for songs to run with, I found this video... WOW can I really do this???
I'm now entering week 23 of our training program, that means it's only 13 more weeks until race day. And now it seems like my fears and doubts are really starting to intensify.
As the training increases, I'm finding myself more and more scared and wondering if I will be able to finish, wondering what I got myself into. Aches and pains are increasing, and not due to the training, but I'm scared to think it may be the onset of my RA. The only way I'm not in pain is when I'm training, but I can't train 24x7 (or can I). I've been crying myself to sleep, waking in the middle of the night in pain and just not very happy lately. I've been watching my diet, adding supplements and busy being poked and probed and stretched by doctors and physical therapists. After 6 weeks of PT, the neck pain is still there, so it's off to an MRI and now waiting to see what is the next course of action. Pain and anti-inflammatories are not good options, as I'm scared with my increase in training it could cause bouts with my ulcer. So for now I suffer thru the pains and cry when no one can see me, and pray that I'm better the next day.
My training is progressing, but I'm wondering if I'm really on track. I'm going over everything I have to do and wondering what I can change to make sure I succeed. My swim has gotten stronger and I'm more and more consistent with my pace. My run is getting better, but I need to remember to stay within my limits and not push it too hard. My bike, now that's where I fall apart. Will I be able to keep the pace I want to keep (15mph). Should I do any upgrades on my bike, what about the crazy aero-helmet? What about nutrition...OMG NUTRITION, that isn't as scary as the bike, but it does scare me a little. But I keep playing with food and hope that none of it has an adverse affect on me during the bike.
All this keeps me up at night or wakes me in a panic.
Will I be able to finish under 17 hours?
Am I pushing myself or can I give a little more?
What more can I or should I change?
OMG What have I gotten myself into????
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