Saturday, April 7, 2012

Egg Shell Shuffle Half Marathon

Ok, so since I have to do 13-14 miles this weekend, I might as well just run it during a race and get a medal for it. So when Julie suggested we do the Egg Shell Shuffle I figured why not, I'll just do my thing and finish no problem. Little did I know that my "thing" would result in me PR'ing for the half.  YIKES and WOOHOO!

Race time was chilly so I opted to keep my jacket with me, but soon I realized it got pretty hot in the open when the sun hit and I had to tie it around my waist. It was definitely a long run. I had this walker dude next to me that just annoyed the crap out of me. Then my i-Pod crapped out and I had to switch to my i-Phone for some tunes. Who knew the hills we would have at Busse Woods but we did and can i say DAMN!!! I had fun during the run at least. I walked when I wanted ran fast when I could and just enjoyed taking pictures of the mile markers and sending them to Julie saying I wanted to be finished :)  But in the end I was happy I did it and I even got my picture taken with the Easter bunny!


Official time 2:52:05

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