Saturday, April 28, 2012

CARA 10 Miler

As I continue on my journey towards my Spring Half Marathon, this race just fit in perfectly.  Just wish the weather cooperated. Leslie chose this race to run with me, and I thought it would be fun. But with the rainy ickiness, it didn't surprise me that she was ready to bail even before the race started. But since I was use to running in some of the crappiest weather it didn't really bother me. I just wanted to finish and then go home and veg... Plus it meant another medal to add to my collection.

So we started the race, only to have to deal with wet conditions from the rains that passed. Then we had the hill... Cricket hill as they call it. Oh that was not fun. I really wanted to just lay on my side and roll down the hill like a little kid in order to avoid rolling my ankle. Even thou the rain didn't start back up, we had the winds, and oh damn those sucked. I walked a little more than I wanted to but soon enough I realized I was coming towards the finish.  I texted Leslie to know I was coming and she was already changed and sitting in my warm car. She did come out to help bring me in and cross the finish. That was really nice and felt great to finish strong.

Official time: 2:12:34.5

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