Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 - Bigger and Better

2013 was a good year, with many firsts for me, so that just means that I need to find a way to top it in 2014.

How better way to do this but with competing in my first Ironman. Well, yes, I already had this planned in 2013, paid and started training on it, but I just have to mention that his is my A race this year. To make sure that I can successfully compete in my race, I've made sure to keep my race schedule at a minimal. And now that I have paid for my last race, I have the following schedule in place for 2014.

5/2/2014 - Flying Pig's Half Marathon
6/8/2014 - Grand Rapid's Triathlon - Half IM
7/12/2014 - Muncie 70.3
8/3/2014 - Boulder IM

Pretty small compared to the last couple of years, but I have to make sure I remain healthy this year. I also have some fun events setup, which will help in my training or just for fun:

5/24-25/2014 - Blackhawk Country Roads Bike Ride
9/29/2014 - Apple Cider Century

In the end of all of this, I just want to be able to complete my IM and survive, to a point where I can say it was fun and I'll stick to Half IM's :)

So 2014... Bring It... I'm Ready for it!!!

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