Breaking Records in Week 2
Training has been going pretty good, to a point. I started to add in yoga after the first week and that has really helped me with my ankle strength, which then leads to better running. This was proven in my week 2 of running. Since Dave heard that my weekend 1 mile repeats were in a 10:10 he decide that just meant I had to push it harder during my track workout of 1 mile repeats. I warmed up on my run from the store and a 1/2 loop on the track. Then I did my 1 mile repeats with about a 30+ sec rest. My first mile was a 9:48... wow. For the second one, Dave had me to it with the group, and I managed to do a 9:37. Double WOW. Now everyone was starting to cool down and I still had one more to do. So he had the boys, Lou and Ed, run with me. They were to keep me at a 9:30 pace and make sure I was working hard. Well I did warn them, I had a Cesar salad for lunch, so if they push me too hard, it would not be a pretty sight. After Dave sent everyone back to the store, he joined us and started to say I was talking to much and shouldn't be talking if I was really working it. Well so I started to push it, really hard, and on the final turn it happened. I felt that wonderful salad and had to stop for a quick spit up. Dave felt bad, made a comment about me pulling back, but then I just picked up my pace again and finished strong, a 9:27...HOLY CRAP I broke a 9:30. I didn't event think that was possible.Cramping to the max in Week 3
Well after that run, I started to not feel too well. My foot was hurting, the heal in part. Then I started to cramp more and more in my feet and at times in my calves. I'd have good days, and then bad days. During week 3 I finally got back into the pool, after a 30 minute run on the treadmill and I got the worst cramp ever. My leg went into full rigor and I couldn't move. I was hurting I was crying and I couldn't get to the wall to try to stretch it out. Eventually I managed to get it to lessen and then I got out of the pool. It really hurt and for about 2-3 days my calf was tender like hell. I had posted on FB about it and was advised it was probably due to dehydration. I then started to add coconut water into my regimen and it seems to be helping. Week 3 didn't finish as it should, I only got in a 1/2 mile of swimming and missed 1.5+ miles in my Saturday long run,due to snow and not having clear roads.Back on Track in Week 4
And now here I am at the start of week 4... I went to my spin class which was a challenging climbing and rolling hill ride. I wanted to get in 60 minutes, so I stayed a bit after class to get in my time. I felt great. Then it was a quick change of shoes, cleaning off of my bike, and searching for a treadmill. I wanted to get in the miles I missed on Saturday. Really not knowing what to expect, as this would be my first brick in a long time. So I got on the treadmill, starting at a 11:45 pace, and set to run 2.5 miles on the rolling hill program. As I got comfortable I would start to increase the speed, slowly and steadily, regardless of the hill. I ended up finishing at a 10:37 pace and feeling like I could go longer. I stopped instead of pushing it. I was amazed that in no time, did my legs feel like logs or did I feel like I couldn't go on, let alone no pain at all. Even as I sit here, I feel great and feel no aches or pains or cramping.It's been pretty weird not training much with anyone, I miss my team but with the holiday's, schedules, and other issues, it makes it hard to work out. I just need to remember that I have to train for me right now, and hopefully after the holiday's we can try to get back on track and training again. I need to keep up with my workouts and make sure not to push it and avoid injury. I'm only at week 4 and I have to get to 36 and get there without any major set back. I just need to get back into the pool one of these day :)