Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 -- Year in Review

After uploading my first workout of the year to Garmin Connect, I ran a few reports to see what I accomplished last year (this is only since end of March, since that is when I got my Garmin)...

106 runs totaling 490.91 miles
59 bike rides totaling 691.86 miles
66 swims totaling 64.04 miles
total calories burnt - 97,821

I competed in
4 - 5k's
1 - 4 miler
1 - 8k
3 - 10k's
2 - 10 milers
3 - half marathons
1 - marathon (my first :) )
4 - sprint triathlons
Plus I rode Bike the Drive and L.A.T.E. Ride

What a year... Now to see what 2013 has in store for me :)

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