Thursday, January 31, 2013

January goals... MET!!!

WOW what a month...

My goal was to complete at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. And I'm happy to say that I only missed one day (thanks to a late day at work) but there were several days I did doubles, so I'm really happy with my accomplishments

My monthly totals
Distance: 347.75 mi
Time: 30:35:17
Calories: 20,915

Running: 32.79 mi
Cycling: 303.86 mi
Swimming: 11.09 mi

Now to think of what to do next month :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 - New Adventures Ahead!!!

Now that I have reviewed what I did last year, and with Racine on the plan for this year, it's time to sit down and figure out what I'm going to do this year.  I have an idea and just making sure I don't overload myself with races when I will be cross training thru the first half of the year... 

So here goes, and yeah it will change per Coach's suggestions (and coupons :) )

March 10, 2013      Lisle Spring Sprint 10k

May 4, 2013           Wisconsin 1/2 Marathon
May 19, 2013         Tower Tri 
May 25, 2013         Soldier Field 10 Miler 
May 26, 2013         Bike the Drive 

June 23, 2013        Pleasant Prairie Olympic Tri 
June 30, 2013        LATE Ride (Tentative Date)

July 21, 2013         Racine Ironman

Aug 18, 2013         Ganther Race the Lake (90 miles) 
Aug 24, 2013         DeKalb Corn Classic 10k 

Sept 8, 2013          Madison Ironman - Volunteer
Sept 29, 2013        Apple Cider Century 

Plus I also need to think for a fall half... This of coarse is all dependent on the Raven's football schedule but what I'm looking at is...

Fall Marathon Options
Oct 12, 2013          Baltimore Marathon
Oct 27, 2013          Marine Corp Marathon (sells out in 2.5 hrs)
Nov 24, 2013         Philadelphia Marathon

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 -- Year in Review

After uploading my first workout of the year to Garmin Connect, I ran a few reports to see what I accomplished last year (this is only since end of March, since that is when I got my Garmin)...

106 runs totaling 490.91 miles
59 bike rides totaling 691.86 miles
66 swims totaling 64.04 miles
total calories burnt - 97,821

I competed in
4 - 5k's
1 - 4 miler
1 - 8k
3 - 10k's
2 - 10 milers
3 - half marathons
1 - marathon (my first :) )
4 - sprint triathlons
Plus I rode Bike the Drive and L.A.T.E. Ride

What a year... Now to see what 2013 has in store for me :)