Saturday, January 21, 2012

Polar Dash 10K... Nothing like running in Blizzard Conditions

2012 turned out to be as adventurous as 2011.

I realized I found a great, not AWESOME, group to run with. Our Coach Dave and Judy really worked with me to improve my running skills and improve my form.  My team rocked in helping me push thru my runs and helping me get to a level in my running I thought never possible. I don't think I could've gotten anywhere without the support of my team and Rich.  Rich was very patient during the season, more than I ever expected, with all my training and again a crazy race schedule. He even made it out to a couple of my races, regardless of the fact that he wakes up early during the week, he was up and there for me at the finish line.

2012 meant more race, longer races and finally triathlons.  I couldn't wait. I had the itch and started my season early. Only giving myself what was left of December, 2011, after the Vegas Half, as an off month, I started my race season in late January with a blizzard 10k. It was so much fun!!!  Not to shabby for running in a blizzard :)

This was just the start of the fun of 2012 and I couldn't wait. If I could run a 10k in the snow, than almost anything is possible.

Official Time 1:21:01

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