The swim was a little scary. It wasn't like IM events with the markers spread out, for easier siting. NOOO this time we had one at the start then had to pass the next one which was the sprint turn, the past the olympic turn and finally got to our turn. So we had 3 out and 3 back, which SUCKED. The water was so mucky it made it hard to not freak on what could be under us. Then as we make the final turn and head back the next group of Olympic I think take off and they start to turn into us as we get to their final marker. Luckily when I got out, there were strippers so I took total advantage of it.
The bike was not as easy as I hoped.. Then again Michigan has hills so I had to figure out how to handle it. I did pretty good. Only scary part was after the turn, a girl hit a hole or something and went flying.. I totally freaked out. Didn't know if I should stop or what, she stood up waved she was ok, but her bike was gone. I had to refocus and try to keep going. The ride back was tough, it started to get hotter out. There was no sun but the rain from the night before sure made it hard to breath and I could feel it. I sucked down all my water before I got back to transition.
I changed and started on the run. It was a 2 loop run and it was TOUGH. I was still feeling it from the bike. I couldn't stop drinking. At about mile 3 I had to stop at the bathroom, which may have been a mistake. As I went to pull my shorts up, I felt a pain in my back, it started to spasim and I was hurting. I couldn't stand up straight. I managed to get out and started to walk. Just then Rita see's me (she's on the 2nd loop) and asks how I'm doing and I tell her, she's worried and tells me to take it easy and walk it off. I do, only to have Dave come up from behind to tell me to keep running and keep to my intervals, and thru the tears I yell back I'M IN PAIN!!! That was the last I saw him. Stephanie and I finally caught up to each other and we encouraged each other. At the final stretch I wanted to finish strong so I pulled away to cross with a good run and smiling. It was announce who we were and that we were training for Boulder together. That was really nice.
Well after crossing the finish, I just needed something to drink. I grabbed a muscle milk and downed it... Only to puke it back up. Not a good thing being so close to Medical. I was taken in and iced own. This was definitely not what I wanted on my Half, but it happens. I wasn't prepared for the humidity and I pushed it too hard on the bike to realize I has dehydrated. I didn't notice that I wasn't sweating during the run, I just wanted to be done.
Lesson LEARNED!!!